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4 reseñas sobre 1 lugares
2019 Dec 31
The Opernbrunnen is a fountain standing in the grounds of the State Opera House in Vienna. It’s a circular fountain composed of the main basin and two smaller circular dishes in the centre, separated by columns. The upper dish is topped with an allegory of music, while between the two dishes are female allegories to joy, dance and levity

The sculptures are classically inspired characters wearing Greco-Roman robes with attention paid to the details of the robes and folds. The fountain is in the main tourist district of Vienna and it’s worth a quick look.
Tour du Cygne
2019 Nov 20
This tower is called the Swan Tower for reasons not entirely clear. It’s basically a fortification tower that must’ve been part of the old defensive works of the city. The remains are actually quite well preserved. Built with a square base and capped with a circular crown for all round vision and complete angles of fire for arrows and other projectiles.

Not a must-see in Tournai, but I happened to be walking from the train station into the city, so figured it was worth a small detour.
This sculpture honours a fictional character Madame Chapeau, from the Belgian comedy play, Bossemans et Coppenolle by Joris d’Hanswyck.

The sculpture depicts the elderly Madame Chapeau carrying a bag. The bag contains some vegetables and a rabbit that Madame Chapeau is planning on selling to get a ticket for a a football match (must be a famous scene from the play).

Probably works best if you're familiar with Belgian culture.
2019 Jun 13
This fountain can be found in the Residenzplatz public square in the Old Town of Salzburg. Said to be the largest fountain in the city, it's a baroque and sea themed fountain.

The fountain contains four groups of sculptures. At the lowest basin stands is four sculptures of seahorses, galloping out of the waves, each spewing out a jet of water from their mouths. Above the seahorses are two men, perhaps a pair of Atlas, bearing the weight of another basin on their mighty shoulders. Above the two men is a smaller bowl supported by three dolphins. And finally, topping off the fountain is a sculpture of Triton, the Greek god of the sea spitting out water from a conch.

A lovely fountain in a lovely public square.